As we continue our thread on different countertop materials,
today we will explore stainless steel and recycled aluminum as countertop
Stainless steel countertops can be made of 60% recycled
content and because it can be recycled again and again, has an extended useful
life. This material is often used in commercial kitchens and medical facilities
because of its durability and the rigorous standards for cleanliness. Beware:
keeping stainless steel free of smudges, watermarks and scratches can be a
chore and drive even the most laid back homeowner batty. Stainless steel can be
a great contemporary look and used in the right way, can fit into even a
traditional kitchen. Cost: $65 to $85 per square foot for the material only
Another metal option for countertops is recycled aluminum.
The company Eleek uses uses 50 to 90 percent recycled aluminum to make
countertop-depth pieces up to 3 feet wide with built-in front lip and
backsplash. Eleek tops are finished with reusable abrasives and recirculated
water. Clear-coat finish is food-safe and nontoxic. Cost: $95 per square foot
for the material only.
Of the countertop
options we have explored thus far, what’s your favorite? Email me at
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